Should You Be at Home when Our House Cleaning Services are There?
In today’s busy economy, more and more homeowners are turning to professional cleaning services for their home. Although they can manage their time well enough to squeeze in a couple of hours to clean their carpeted rooms or curtains and walls, it still makes sense to hire professionals at least once a year to do a thorough job that ordinary domestic cleaning appliances cannot handle.
Before we proceed to hire professionals, we need to do some basic shopping. With print advertisements, online advertisements, word of mouth recommendations and many other forms of publicity, how do we choose a good, affordable and reliable cleaning agency? Should you be at home when our house cleaning services are there? What contractual obligations and limitations do we have to bear in mind if anything goes wrong during the cleaning?
Read on to find out:
The flip answer to the difficult question of should you be at home when cleaning services are there is: Yes, but not necessarily. It is definitely good to have someone home to supervise and monitor the cleaning activities. It does not have to be you or anyone who is too busy to stay home for a few hours.
But matters can be more complicated in your household situation. Who should be appointed to be present? Ideally, you or the main owners of your home should be the people taking charge of the cleaning administration. But you or the other decision makers may not be able to take half a day of annual leave or time off just to be around.
Great if there is someone monitoring the cleaning work. This person will make sure that the cleaning professionals know what to do, what to avoid, what special needs or requests you have, what hidden dangers or difficulties lurk in your home, and whether their progress is meeting expectations.
Just remember that being present to supervise the workers does not give us any reason to impede or distract them! Here are some do’s and don’ts to make the cleaning work smooth and pleasant for both parties:
- DO be precise and firm on what work should be done, and what to be meticulous about.
[Related article: Areas You Should Be Asking Your Cleaner To Do]
- DON’T be uncertain or change your mind as the work progresses, making the workers undo or redo things just because you were unclear or undecided about earlier.
- DO be courteous and diplomatic when barking orders and requests at all times.
- DO make sure that all chargeable fees and terms of service are clear and understood BEFORE the work starts, to avoid possible disputes or misunderstandings.
- DON’T block the way when monitoring, and DON’T make a nuisance of yourself by fussing over temporary messes that are inevitable when professionals use bulky equipment.
- Finally, DO make casual conversation and small talk with the cleaners before and after the work is done!
House cleaning services can simplify your life so you can live out your priorities the way you desire.Good Cleaners Finder offers cleaning services tailored to your specific needs. Take a moment and book online today, and learn how refreshing it is to come home to a clean house.
You may also visit our recent blogs for more cleaning tips and ideas.
Let us help you! If you want professional cleaning help and might wonder what kind of service you need when you are ready to hire a home cleaning service, come to Good Cleaners Finder for home cleaning services every week or month. We would be happy to help you take care of your home.
You can find Good Cleaners Finder in Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Luzern, Zug, Zurich, and everywhere else in Switzerland. If you are looking for a professional cleaner or are unhappy with your current cleaner, contact us and book your cleaner today!